Black Messiah

Launch campaign creative direction for D’Angelo’s album Black Messiah inspired by D’Angelo’s creative vision. The cover image is a scanned frame of 16mm footage I filmed at the Afropunk Festival in 2014 that pictures the crowd raising their hands in protest at the killing of Michael Brown by a Police Officer in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9th 2014.

“Black Messiah is a hell of a name for an album. It can be easily misunderstood. Many will think it’s about religion. Some will jump to the conclusion that I’m calling myself a Black Messiah. For me, the title is about all of us. It’s about the world. It’s about an idea we can all aspire to. We should all aspire to. We should all aspire to be a Black Messiah.

It’s about people rising up in Ferguson and in Egypt and in Occupy Wall Street and in every place where a community has had enough and decides to make a change happen. It’s not about praising one charismatic leader but celebrating thousands of them. Black Messiah is not one man. It’s a feeling that, collectively, we are all that leader.”

- D’Angelo

Black Messiah
Album Art

The Charade
Promo FIlm

1000 Deaths
Promo Film

Really Love
Promo Film

Client: RCA Records
Creative Director: Tom Phillips
Art Director: Danny Doyle
Film: Wonford St.James
Photography: Barron Claiborne
Producers: Matthew Morgan & Jocelyn Cooper


Lotus Emeya

